Plantar fasciitis is arguably the most common cause of plantar heel pain that we see. The plantar fascia is a thick ligamentous type structure that spans the bottom of the foot. It originates from the heel and attaches to the toes. The plantar fascia can become inflamed and thickened near the heel leading to discomfort. Pain tends to be severe first thing in the morning when one gets out of bed. Pain can lessen and then reappear later in the day. The bottom of the heel is tender to touch without swelling. Occasionally pain can also be near the arch. Causes can range from tight calf muscles, improper shoe gear, barefoot walking, change in activity, poor overall mechanics, and/or direct trauma.
Conservative treatment consists of:
Calf stretching
Rest, ice, and anti-inflammatory medications
Supportive shoe gear
Steroid injections
Physical therapy
Immobilization in a CAM boot or cast.
Rarely is surgical intervention needed. Procedures that we perform are endoscopic plantar fasciotomies and open plantar fasciotomies.